
Friday, November 8, 2013

Ongoing Tree Leaf Typing Bulletin Board

I changed out the bulletin board in the hall.  It measures five yards long. . . that's fifteen feet of board I need to decorate!

The background is green fabric and the border is from my hoard.

The trunk was cut out from the butcher paper.  I used some acrylic paint and schmered it around to create some texture.  The trunk was free-handed.  I have no artistic ability, trust me!  I grabbed a pair of scissors and cut.  The leaves hide most of it so it isn't a big deal that it's not perfect.

I cut out round shapes of different fall colors to put on the tree so it didn't look weird as I was filling it.  Turns out I didn't really need those!  You can see them peeking through at the top.  It also helps add color so that you don't see the background in places I didn't get the leaves close enough together.

The leaves are die cut out of the school's construction paper.

We use the program TYPE TO LEARN at our school.  Every time the students complete a Final Challenge and move on to the next level, they write their name on a leaf and it is stapled to the board.  I am surprised at how many leaves I have. . . I haven't had half of the students do leaves yet.  I would bet that I get as many, if not more, next week.  I may have to make piles of leaves!

Since this is an ongoing project, I wrote a blurb and stapled it to the bulletin board explaining this.

This bulletin board will stay up for a month.  I will pull it down right before the Holiday break in December.  I will probably recruit some students to help pull down the hundreds of leaves!!

This is really a huge bulletin board so I needed something big for the wall.  This works nicely!

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