
Saturday, June 15, 2013

Teaching the Thesaurus

Check out this site:

You can make some amazing word clouds!  Here's mine:

This is a great way to teach your kiddos how to use the Thesaurus feature in Word.  I have my third, fourth and fifth graders open up a Word document.  I have them write their name five times.  I have them think of adjectives that describes themselves and type each adjective anywhere between one and four times apiece.  They can use the Thesaurus to help think of new words.  For instance, they can type in "funny" and look it up in the thesaurus to find other words that mean funny that would help describe them.  I usually give them a verbal list of words to start them out (athletic, funny, smart, honest, pretty, etc)

When they have done this, I have them COPY the list they have made and PASTE it into the Wordle "create" box.  They press GO and their word cloud pops up.

I show them how to change their colors and fonts.  I also allow them to print it.

This is a great project to teach the kids how to use the thesaurus.  It's also a good way to review cut, copy and paste.  The kids get super excited to see their word clouds.

Things to keep in mind on the Wordle site:

* the more times you write a word, the larger it is.  
* phrases will be separated unless put ~ between them.

Have fun with this!


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