At our school, classes earn scores for behavior during the specialist classes. Classroom teachers give incentives based on these scores.
A three is the best. Classes can earn a three, two or one.
I use a dot system. I like the idea of classes seeing where they are at.
I give a warning to the class and then I "pull a dot." They have one more chance to keep a three in my class. After both three dots have been pulled, they earn a two or a one, depending on what score is left up.
I do not let the students earn back their dots. I tell the classes that good behavior at the end of class is appreciated but it doesn't excuse bad behavior at the beginning.
I made the dots by cutting out the shapes with my sizzix machine from mat board. Mat board is very thick and durable and will last years. You can purchase small pieces of uncut mat board for under a dollar at craft and framing stores. I hot glued a magnet to the back of the dots. You can use an Xacto knife to cut mat board if you don't have access to a die cut machine.